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Showing posts from February, 2018

EMD APPROACH AND GOOGLE RANKING -explained by Local seo company San Francisco

Google has always kept itself updated to keep it safe for the users. Where billions of users are working on various platforms of Google , the Google search algorithm keeps on updating or getting change for the betterment of user experience. EMD or the Exact Match Domain is just another algorithm among the series updates conduct by Google. This EMD focuses on the spam and low quality matched domains. For SEO ranking , an exact matched domain is very healthy for any website. People looking for something, puts their query in the search box and if the domain name consists the exact keywords, then the page ranks higher in the SERP . Exact matched domain has always a huge impact on the SEO ranking and highly targeted organic search . But somehow it has also been seen that these exact matched domains are often contained spam. Every time Google updates the algorithm it affects the ongoing SEO ranking of the websites. With the EMD update , the ranking of those websites

SEO for non-English website

The use of internet among various non-English speakers has increased rapidly in the last few years and interestingly more than half of the Google search is done in another language. Moreover, an audience feels reluctant to buy something which is not described in their native language . This has pushed to introduce more website with non –English contents . Although online marketers were slow in the initial phase to take advantage of this trend but things are getting changed and instead of using a mere translation for the website, which may seem to be a good and simple idea, now marketers are taking things seriously and researching on appropriate keyword for the right kind of audience, as it is the best way to increase the traffic.      There are various factors that impact the website if it is prepared for a specific country with a specific language other than English keywords . But for any market, be it English or non-English , getting the traffic has the same t

Top 10 on page factors for SEO 2018

on page SEO it is all about getting top rank in the Google search engine result page or any other search engine page. While off page SEO means building links to get top ranking, the on Page is about fixing the page level elements of a webpage . The key for success for any website is the on page attribution of the SEO . The search engine traffic is very important to increase the sell or conversion rate. So every marketer focuses on Google, to get more traffic and thus securing more conversion. Standing in 2018, where every search engine     frequently updates it algorithm to make sure to rank authentic websites here are 10 onpage factors that affect the LOCAL   SEO for any website can be categorized in 10 main points: 1.     Avoiding keyword staffing When it comes to optimization of the website it is important to handle the keywords. If the keyword staffing is excess, Google will penalize for forcefully introducing more number of keywords to get ranks. Whereas le